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2019/12/21     (阅读人数:)




1962年1月生于陕西省户县。汉族,中国党员。International Journal of Translation等刊物编委,天津翻译协会副会长、天津市大学外语教学指导委员会副主任、中国翻译认知研究会常务理事、中央文献翻译研究基地兼职研究员。《工商企业翻译实务》200311月荣获陕西高校人文社科优秀成果三等奖,No:030104;“中西方文化交流中的逆差平衡”20056月荣获陕西高校人文社科优秀成果三等奖, No:SK051008 201412月获天津市社会科学界学会2011-2013年度先进学会工作者“翻译安全学●翻译研究●翻译教学”入选天津市社会科学界第十二届(2016)学术年会优秀论文。硕士生导师。


1981年9月——19857月 西安外国语学院英语专业学习,获文学学士学位

3. 工作背景

1985年07月——199212月 咸阳师范专科学校外语系教师

1992年12月——200510月 陕西科技大学外国语学院教师

2005年10月——至今 天津理工大学外国语学院教师




1.TCM Translation : An Analysis of the Principles. Translatio 1999(1)5-19.

2.Review: Skills of English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Translatio,2000(1,2)128-129.

3.Review: A Comprehensive Course Book of English-Chinese Translation. Translatio,2000(3)351-355.

4.Review: Translatology-Artistic and Scientific Approaches. Translatio,2000(3): 355-360.

5.Translation Variation: A Future Trend. Translatio,2000(4)384-397.

6.Review: Skills of English Translation of Ancient Chinese Medical Classics. Translatio, 2000(4) 513-515.

7.全球化对中国译论的挑战. 《中外社科论丛》,20015:141-144.

8.Review: History of Worlds Translations of Chinese Writings. Meta, 2002(1):131-132.

9.Review: Culture and Translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2002(3):235. A&HCI: 604NX

10.Review: Emerging Views on Translation History in Brazil. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2002(4):312-315. A&HCI: 649AT

11.Review: The Influence of Chinese Culture on Europe. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2002(4):316-317.; A&HCI: 649AT


13.Retranslation: Direct or Indirect. International Journal of Translation, 2003(2):113-121

14.Review: Translation Studies and Practice. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2003(2):145; A&HCI: 743BJ

15.Review: A Concise History of Chinese Translation. Perspectives Studies in Translatology, 2003(2):155-156; A&HCI: 743BJ

16.Review: English Poems and Their Chinese Translations. Perspectives Studies in Translatology, 2003(3):230-233; A&HCI: 751PL

17.Review: A Study and Translation of Tu Sikong’s The Realm of Poetry. Perspectives Studies in Translatology, 2003(3):235-237; A&HCI: 751PL

18.Retranslation: Necessary or Unnecessary. Babel ,2003(3):193-202.

19.Review: Translation and Medicine. Babel, 2003(4):379-382.

20.Review: On Translation Variation. Meta, 2003(4): 589-590; A&HCI: 759NM

21.Review: Translation Variation Theory. Meta, 2003(4):590; A&HCI: 759NM

22.《翻译在科学知识跨文化跨时代传播中的作用》述评. 中国科技翻译,20041):63,7.

23.Review: Translation and Globalization. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2004(2):148-150; A&HCI: 863IF

24.Review: Translation in Cultural Communication. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2004(2):151-152; A&HCI: 863IF

25.Review: Becoming a Translator: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology , 2004(2):154-155,A&HCI: 863IF

26.Review: The Science of Translatology. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2004(3):225-226; A&HCI:  882WB; CSA: 200508118

27.Review: Interpreters at the United Nations: A History. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2004 (4):315-317, A&HCI:921YD

28.Review: Critique of Translation Theories in Chinese Tradition, Meta, 2004(4):933-935; A&HCI: 881KN

29.Review: A Study on Nida’s Translation Theory. Meta, 2004(4):941-943; A&HCI: 881KN

30.Review: A Semiotic Approach to Literary Translation. Meta, 2004(4):949-950; A&HCI:881KN

31.Review: Science in Translation. Babel, 2004(4):369-371.

32.《联合国译员史》简介. 中国翻译,20051):48-50. CSSCI;人大复印资料:4170

33.《培养译者:翻译理论与实践导论》评介. 中国科技翻译,20052):63-64.

34.多语境下的英语翻译--《印度的英语翻译》简评. 上海翻译,20053):74-75.

35.Training Translators in China. Meta, 2005 (1):231-249; A&HCI:918ZT

36.Brief History of Science Translation in China. Meta, 2005 (3):1010-1021; A&HCI: 970QV

37.Review: Translating India. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(1):68-70; A&HCI: 974KV

38.Review: The history of interpretation in China. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(1):72-73; A&HCI: 974KV

39.System of Translation Variation. International Journal of Translation,2005(1-2): 153-160

40.Review: Identity and Difference: Translation Shaping Culture. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(4) :314-316; A&HCI: 048AN

41.Review: Theatrical Translation and Film Adaptation. A Practitioner’s View. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(4):316-317; A&HCI: 048AN

42.Review: Less Translated Languages. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(4):297-299;A&HCI: 048AN

43.Review: Business Translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2005(4):299-300; A&HCI: 048AN

44.Reevaluation of Lin Shu (the Chinese Translator): A Systemic Approach to Literary Translation. Translation Today, 2005(2)(网上刊物)

45.Foreignization or Domestication: Translators’ Conscious Activity. International Journal of Translation, 2006(1-2):153-161.

46.Review: Linguistic Identities Through Translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2006(2):141-144; A&HCI:118ZO

47.Review: The History of Science Translation in China. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2006(2):153-156; A&HCI:118ZO


49.Review: A Revolution: Learn to learn English. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2007(1):139-142.

50.Review: Children’s Literature in Translation: Challenges and Strategies. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2007(1): 59-62; AHCI:369SI

51.Review:Translation as Manipulated by Power Relations. Journal of Language and Politics, 2008(1) :171-174; AHCI:353FN

52.Review: The Politics of Translation: Translation Studies and Cultural Studies. Journal of Language and Politics, 2008(1):175-176; AHCI:353FN

53.Review: Translation as Polyphonic Dialogues. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2007(3): 206-210; AHCI: 353AC

54.Review: On the Development of Translation Competence Through Translation Instruction,Meta,2008(3): 714-716; AHCI:369SI

55.Translation Studies in China: From Perspectives of Nida’s Phenomenon. Translation and Cultural Diversity-XVIII FIT World Congress Proceedings, 外文出版社,2008.8(电子版)

56.知异方知译——谈企业简介的汉译英. 中国科技翻译, 2008 (4): 21-23, 61.

57.Review: Translation in Intercultural Tourism. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology,2008(1-2): 87-88; A&HCI:462SU

58.Review: Cultural Translation from Chinese to English: A Case Study of Translation and Interpretation of Selected Contemporary Text. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2008(1-2): 89-90; AHCI: 462SU

59.Review: On the Criticism of Literary Translation. Meta,2008(4):933-935. AHCI: 404MS

60.Review: Renowned Translators: Their Theory and Practice. Meta, 2008(4):935-936. AHCI: 404MS


62.翻译错误价值论. 上海翻译,2010(1):6-9.

63.Review: Topics in Language Resources for Translation and Localisation. Interpreter and Translator

 Trainer, 2010(1)125-128A&HCI:570VR

64.翻译研究离不开其赖以生存的沃土.《翻译与跨文化交流:嬗变与解读》,上海外语教育出版社,2010: 140-148.

65.Drama Language Translation. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 2011(1):45-57. A&HCI:738WT

66.翻译理论与人地关系[A]. 翻译研究新视角---2009年全国翻译高层研讨会论文集[C]. 上海外语教育出版社,2011:71-82.

67.论电视软新闻英译的重写策略. 上海翻译,2011(1):25-28.

68.立于天地间,平衡亦自如. 英语知识,2011(8):封二-1.

69.不作为,译者的另一种适应性选择. 外语与翻译,2011(2):23-27

70.An Interpretation of Pun Translation. Arab World English Journal. 2012(1): 170-189.

71.Where Does the Cultural School go? International Journal of Translation, 2012(1-2):7-23.

72.Poetic Dialogue Analysis of Chinese-English Poetry Translation. Language and Dialogue, 2012(2):262-283.

73.Review:A General History of Western Translation Theory. Language and Dialogue, 2012(2):319-322.

74.人地关系论在广告翻译中的应用. 《外语教学与文化》. 上海大学出版社,2012:660-667.

75. 用翻译生态学原理解读上海世博会文献的翻译.《来自第六届中国外语教授沙龙的报告》. 高等教育出版社,2012:236-249.

76.Eco-translation of Enterprise Publicity Materials. Proceedings of the Second Northwest Asia International Symposium on Language, Literature and Translation. The American Scholars Press, 2012:7-13. CPCI-SSH

77.Review: Beyond Descriptive Translation Studies: Investigations in homage to Gideon Toury. Meta, 2012(2): 528-531.

78.Review: A Dictionary of Translation Studies in China. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology ,2013(1): 135-137. A&HCI:146QO

79. 翻译的主体性和非主体性致错因素.《翻译研究新思路:2012年全国翻译高层研讨会论文集》. 国防工业出版社,2013-7. 42-48.

80. 全球化时代的翻译经济. 外语教育研究,2013(1):88-91.


82.How is Iceberg Theory Demonstrated in A Clean, Well-Lighted Place.Proceedings of the Third Northwest  Asia International Symposium on Language, Literature and Translation. The American Scholars Press, 2014:669-673. CPCI-SSH

83.Translation Ecology: A New Interdiscipline. Translating China, 2014(1): 63-69.

84.Review of Tibetan Gnomic Verses Translated into English. Translating China, 2014(2): 76-78.

85. 翻译地理学视域下的翻译文化安全问题. 翻译论坛,2014(2):72-76.

86. Review of The Liaison Interpreters Subjectivity Consciousness. Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 2014(3): 488-491.SSCI,A&HCI: AW5BP

87. 翻译生态视角下《飘》傅东华译本分析. 名作欣赏,2015(35):40-42.

88. 麦克阿瑟的退与进. 英语世界, 2015(8):66-71.

89. 当科幻小说不再关注未来. 英语世界, 2015(12):49-53.

90.夏洛特勃朗特的一生. 英语世界,2016(4):39-49. (笔名:春天)

91.没错,经济学是科学. 英语世界,2016(4):60-65.

92. 三秦大地与其译者群体——胡宗峰教授访谈录. 翻译论坛,20161):62-67.

93. 翻译地理学:翻译学与地理学交叉研究的结晶. 英语研究,20162):114-123.

94.翻译地理学视域下的日本民族文化研究. 翻译论坛,20164):8-24.

95. 翻译安全学与翻译教学. 翻译教学与研究, 2015(1): 64-70

96 .生态空间生产领域侠的翻译地理学范式研究. 中译外研究,2017(第6集):207-225.

97. 翻译安全学翻译研究翻译教学. 发挥社会科学作用 促进天津改革发展——天津市社会科学界第十二届学术年会优秀论文集(上).天津人民出版社,2017. 231-236

98. 翻译安全学概说. 翻译论坛,20192):10-14.

99. Review of Translation and Dissemination of Oral Epic Gesar. Transletters:International Journal of Translation and Interpreting, 2019(1): 195-198.

100. Review of On Interpreting Education Based on Theory and Empirical Research. Transletters: International Journal of Translation and Interpreting.(forthcoming)


1.《工商企业翻译实务》,中国对外翻译出版公司,2002/2004;香港中文大学出版社(繁体字版) 2003,独著








1.“中西方文化交流中的逆差平衡(No.01JK135)”, 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(2001-2002),主持人。

2.“中外最新翻译学著作评论(No:TJYW06-4-011)”, 天津市哲学社会科学研究规划资助项目(2006-2007),主持人。

3.“翻译地理学(NoYWHQ-1-11)”, 天津市哲学社会科学研究规划后期资助项目(2009-2010, 主持人。

4.“翻译地理学应用性研究NoTJWWHQ1403)”,天津市哲学社会科学研究规划后期资助项目, 主持人。




2.“中西方文化交流中的逆差平衡”20056月荣获陕西高校人文社科优秀成果三等奖, No:SK051008

3.  201412月荣获天津市社会科学界学会2011-2013年度先进学会工作者

4.翻译安全学翻译研究翻译教学. 入选天津市社会科学界第十二届(2016)学术年会优秀论文


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办公电话:022-60214315 传真:022-60214343 邮箱:yyy@tjut.edu.cn
Address:School of Language and Culture at TUT No. 391 Binshui Xi Road, Xiqing District, Tianjin 300384,China
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